Joind.In API Documentation

Users, Events and Attending

A quick roundup of how to find/various elements of the relationship between users and the events they attend.

Which users are attending this event?

Each event has an attendees_uri (look out for the similarly-named attending_uri) which points to a collection of users attending this event.

Is this user attending this event?

If the user is authenticated when making the request (see the overview for information about authentication, and check that the user_uri appears in the meta block of the response to confirm a user is logged in) and they are attending this event, the attending field will be true.

Which events is a user attending?

Each user has an attended_events_uri link which is a collection of all the events they marked themselves as attending (past and future events).

Mark this user as attending an event.

As an authenticated user, make a POST request (it doesn’t need a body) to the attending_uri listed in the event representation.

Mark this user as not attending an event.

As an authenticated user, make a DELETE request (it doesn’t need a body) to the attending_uri listed in the event representation.