

This page deals with the various event pages and data structures of events.

Landing Page



Filtering the Events Collection

We currently support the following parameters for filtering events:

  • filter: as shown in the landing page example, this can take the following values:

    • hot: the “hot” events; these are soon/recent events, with priority given to events with the most attendees. Usually the default view.
    • upcoming: future events, sorted by date with the soonest first
    • past: past events, sorted by date with the most recent first
    • all: all events, sorted by date from past to future, and defaulting to the page starting with the first future record
    • cfps: events that currently have open CfPs
  • title: Search for an event by title (partial match, e.g.”Benelux” will find “PHP Benelux Conference 2014”)
  • stub: Search for an event by its short name (exact match, e.g. “phpbnl14”)
  • tags: Events with a particular tag. You can supply as many of these as you like by doing something like tags[]=php&tags[]=community
  • startdate: Search for events on or after this date (should be fairly flexible about what date format you give it)
  • enddate: Search for events before this date (should be fairly flexible about what date format you give it)

You can supply as many of these as you wish; the filters will combine for the most part. By default, the /events/ collection returns all events sorted by date descending.

Event Format

When requesting either one event or a collection of events, your data response will include both a root events element with a numerically-indexed results array, and a meta element (see /joindin-api/index.html

An example of a single event (using sample data):

        name: DevConf
        url_friendly_name: devconf-2014
        start_date: 2014-01-07T00:00:00+01:00
        end_date: 2014-01-09T23:59:59+01:00
        description: Aliquam vulputate vulputate lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque elementum placerat lectus, sit amet dictum urna euismod quis. Suspendisse mattis suscipit ante, nec consectetur magna aliquet non. Vivamus gravida, dolor ut porta bibendum, mauris ligula condimentum est, id facilisis ante massa a justo.
        stub: D125
        attendee_count: 5
        event_comments_count: 2
        tracks_count: 1
        talks_count: 5
        icon: icon-3-small.png
                type: orig
                width: 650
                height: 650
                type: small
                width: 140
                height: 140
    count: 1

Verbose Event Format

Append verbose=yes to the URL to get more fields. The data format will be:

        name: DevConf
        url_friendly_name: devconf-2014
        start_date: 2014-01-07T00:00:00+01:00
        end_date: 2014-01-09T23:59:59+01:00
        description: Aliquam vulputate vulputate lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque elementum placerat lectus, sit amet dictum urna euismod quis. Suspendisse mattis suscipit ante, nec consectetur magna aliquet non. Vivamus gravida, dolor ut porta bibendum, mauris ligula condimentum est, id facilisis ante massa a justo.
        stub: D125
        icon: icon-3-small.png
        latitude: 32.4976260000000000
        longitude: -86.3685450000000000
        tz_continent: Europe
        tz_place: Amsterdam
        location: Millbrook
        hashtag: #D125
        attendee_count: 5
        comments_enabled: 1
        event_comments_count: 2
        tracks_count: 1
        talks_count: 5
        cfp_start_date: 2014-01-01T01:00:00+01:00
        cfp_end_date: 2014-01-04T01:00:00+01:00
        talk_comments_count: 12
                type: orig
                width: 650
                height: 650
                type: small
                width: 140
                height: 140
        uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3
        verbose_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3?verbose=yes
        comments_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3/comments
        talks_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3/talks
        attending_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3/attending
        all_talk_comments_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3/talk_comments
                host_name: Bruce Simmons
                host_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/users/2
                host_name: James Barnes
                host_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/users/11
                host_name: Arthur Dunn
                host_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/users/9
                host_name: Jennifer Cole
                host_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/users/5
        attendees_uri: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3/attendees
        can_edit: false
    count: 1
    this_page: http://api.joindin.local/v2.1/events/3?verbose=yes&start=0&resultsperpage=20

Event Data Fields

  • name: The event name
  • url-friendly-name: An inflected version of the event name that is url safe.
  • start_date: The beginning of the event in ISO format
  • end_date: The end of the event in ISO format
  • description: Some information about the event
  • stub: A short, unique identifier for this event. Used by the website to make a quicklink
  • href: URL for the event’s own website
  • icon: URL for this event’s logo or icon used on the site. Note that this is a legacy field and that you should use the images collection in preference.
  • latitude: Where the event geographically is
  • longitude: Where the event geographically is
  • tz_continent: Continent part of the timezone identifier
  • tz_place: Second part of the timezone identifier
  • location: Name of the venue or event location
  • hashtag: The hashtag to use on social networks when referring to this event
  • attendee_count: Calculated field showing how many people are marked as attending this event
  • attending: Whether the current user (if any) is attending this event
  • comments_enabled: Whether this event is currently open for comment
  • event_comments_count: Calculated field showing how many event comments have been made on this event
  • tracks_count: Number of tracks at this event
  • talks_count: Total number of talks at this event, across all tracks
  • cfp_start_date: When the call for papers will begin, in ISO format
  • cfp_end_date: When the call for papers will end, in ISO format
  • cfp_url: The URL for finding out more about the call for papers
  • talk_comments_count: Calculated field showing how many comments were made across all the sessions at the event
  • images: An array of images, each with metadata about type and size and including a full URL
  • tags: An array of tags applied to this event to facilitate finding similar events
  • website_uri: Where to find the website page for this event
  • website_humane_uri: Where to find the website page for this event, using the quicklink if there is one (depends whether the event has a stub)
  • hosts: The organisers for this event. An array where each element gives both the host_uri of the user and a display name to use. See also users
  • can_edit: Whether the current user can edit this event or not.

Event Hypermedia

There are links to other useful places in the API. These are:

  • uri: This event (useful if you see the result in a collection and only want one of it), the URI is the event identifier.
  • verbose_uri: The verbose representation of the event.
  • comments_uri: The event comments on this event (talk comments are separate). See also event comments.
  • talks_uri: All the talks and other sessions delivered at this event. See also talks.
  • attending_uri: POST/DELETE to this URI as an authenticated user to indictate that you are/aren’t attending (current attending status is in the attending field).
  • images_uri: POST/DELETE to this URI as an event admin to update or remove the images associated with this event.
  • all_talkcomments_uri: All the comments from all of the talks at this event, in order of date with the newest comments first. See also talk comments.
  • attendees_uri: A list of all users marked as attending this event. See also users.

Submitting Events

You can submit events for approval via the API (site admins events are auto-approved) by POSTing to the main events collection.

Here’s an example:

 curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 2ffcd58992c73241" -X POST -d '{"name": "New Event", "description": "this is going to be an awesome event, where great talks will take place and many people will gather", "start_date": "2014-09-08T12:15:00+01:00", "end_date": "2014-09-11T20:00:00+01:00", "tz_continent": "Europe", "tz_place": "Madrid"}'

These are the only required fields:

  • name
  • description
  • location (feel free to use “online” for virtual events)
  • start_date (PHP uses strtotime to parse this field, it’s pretty tolerant)
  • end_date (PHP uses strtotime to parse this field, it’s pretty tolerant)
  • tz_continent (e.g. “Europe”, “America”)
  • tz_place (e.g. “Amsterdam”, “Chicago”)

You may also add any or all of these additional fields:

  • href must be a valid URL
  • cfp_url must be a valid URL
  • cfp_start_date (PHP uses strtotime to parse this field, it’s pretty tolerant)
  • cfp_end_date (PHP uses strtotime to parse this field, it’s pretty tolerant)
  • tags[] You can add multiple tags by using this field more than once.

The response should include a 201 Created header. Here is an example of a full request and response:

> POST /v2.1/events/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.32.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 2ffcd58992c73241
> Content-Length: 271
* upload completely sent off: 271 out of 271 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 20:26:02 GMT
* Server Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) is not blacklisted
< Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
< X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3
< Location:
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Editing Events

When editing an event, you should PUT a representation of the whole event with all its fields (excluding hypermedia) in the body of the request. You may find it helpful to GET the event resource and use that as the basis for your payload.

In particular, note the required fields:

  • name
  • description
  • location (feel free to use “online” for virtual events)
  • start_date (evaluated by strtotime, exactly as when you submit an event)
  • end_date (evaluated by strtotime, exactly as when you submit an event)
  • tz_continent (e.g. “Europe”, “America”)
  • tz_place (e.g. “Amsterdam”, “Chicago”)

Also the optional fields, these don’t need to be supplied but won’t be overwritten if they’re not (supply them empty to remove existing values):

  • href should be a valid URL
  • cfp_url should be a valid URL
  • cfp_start_date
  • cfp_end_date
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • tags an array

As an example of updating an event, here’s a sample event being changed. First the event as it is returned by the API:

    "description":"Etiam ligula elit, condimentum lacinia fermentum nec, elementum id urna. Etiam ligula elit, condimentum lacinia fermentum nec, elementum id urna. Sed nisi sem, ultricies et luctus vitae, volutpat id sem. Etiam ligula elit, condimentum lacinia fermentum nec, elementum id urna. Sed nisi sem, ultricies et luctus vitae, volutpat id sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent rutrum orci eget ipsum ornare et consequat neque egestas. Praesent rutrum orci eget ipsum ornare et consequat neque egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vulputate vulputate lobortis.",

And to update it, an example command and the resulting output:

 curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer f3c62e0ff9d80811" -d '{"name":"CentOSUUG","start_date":"2015-12-11T07:00:46+01:00","end_date":"2015-12-12T07:00:46+01:00","description":"Really excellent event.  Seriously","href":"http:\/\/","tz_continent":"Europe","tz_place":"Amsterdam","location":"The Pub","tags":["centos"]}'
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> PUT /v2.1/events/33 HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer f3c62e0ff9d80811
> Content-Length: 309
* upload completely sent off: 309 out of 309 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
< Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:28:10 GMT
* Server Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) is not blacklisted
< Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
< X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.17-1~dotdeb.1
< Location:
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< Content-Length: 0
< Content-Type: text/html

Handling Event Images

We now offer a selection of image sizes - the “small” size is 140px square and is useful for most cases but where a larger image was uploaded, we also have the original. These are available as nested data in the images field of the event resource. This section deals with updating and removing the images.

Replacing the Event Image

To replace the image, you will need to make a POST request to the URL in the images_url field of the event resource. Since we’re specifically handling a file, this endpoint does not accept JSON; instead you should send a multipart form request (as if you were sending a file upload from a web form). The field should be called ‘image’, and no other fields are supported here (although you should authenticate and send your desired Accept headers as normal).

 curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer f3c62e0ff9d80811" -F image=@Pictures/square.png

If successful, a 201 status code will be returned, and you will be redirected to the event resource via a Location header. Otherwise, an appropriate error status code and message will be returned.

NOTE:: Images must be square, min 140px and max 1440px in size

Removing the Event Image

To remove the event image, send a DELETE request to the images_url endpoint. This will remove all current event images.

Event Tracks

Each event may have a number tracks to which talks can be assigned. The list of tracks for this event can be found by issuing a GET request to the URL in the tracks_uri field.

An example set of tracks is (using sample data):

        track_name: Track 1
        track_description: Aliquam vulputate vulputate lobortis.
        talks_count: 3
        track_name: Track 2
        track_description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        talks_count: 1
    count: 2
    total: 2

Adding a new track

To create a new track for an event, the user needs to be authenticated and be either a site admin or a host of the event. You should send a POST request to the URL in the tracks_uri field of the event resource containing both track_name and track_description fields.

Curl example:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer f9b4f1a9b30bdc0d" --data '{"track_name": "Track 3", "track_description": "Curabitur a purus ut leo condimentum mattis id eu enim."}'

If successful, a 201 Created status will be returned along with a Location header pointing to the new track’s URL.

Editing a track

To edit a track for an event, the user needs to be authenticated and be either a site admin or a host of the event. You should send a PUT request to the URL in the track’s uri field containing both track_name and track_description fields.

Curl example:

curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer f9b4f1a9b30bdc0d" --data '{"track_name": "Track One", "track_description": "Aliquam vulputate vulputate lobortis."}'

If successful, a 204 No Content status will be returned along with a Location header pointing to the track’s URL.

Deleting a track

To delete an event’s track, the user needs to be authenticated and be either a site admin or a host of the event. You should send a DELETE request to the URL in the track’s uri field with no body.

Curl example:

curl -v -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer f9b4f1a9b30bdc0d"

If successful, a 204 No Content status will be returned.